John Suzuki is an energy healer who has the ability to connect individuals, families and animals with the Life Force energy of the universe to improve their quality of life and help them reach their optimal potential. This Life Force energy healing ability / Biofield energy healing ability / prayer to God / ability to harness God's Grace / Divine energy blessing has been scientifically validated via preclinical cell-based and mouse model studies and published in peer-reviewed science journals.
Experience this profound transformation for yourself by joining one of his programs today.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that John Suzuki has not done any clinical trial that suggests any kind of result or benefits related to human health. No human health-related benefits have been scientifically validated, and John Suzuki does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits. John Suzuki is not a licensed medical or health-care professional. Any energy healing service that he provides should never be used as a substitute for licensed medical and/or psychological diagnosing or treatment of a health problem or disease. Furthermore, particular outcomes or results from any energy healing / prayer / blessing are not guaranteed.
Unique personalized Life Force energy healing administered either in-person, online or remotely.
Can be for any recipient – yourself, a loved one, animal, friend, business associate, etc.
By Appointment
Phone or Video Conference Call
Remotely in Your Sleep
Higher frequency often leads to better results.
Can be for any recipient – yourself, a loved one, animal, friend, business associate, etc.
Each Life Force energy healing is delivered remotely.
Choose a frequency (1, 2, 4, 8, 15 or daily) that suits your individual requirements.