DISCLAIMER: All press releases relate to preclinical cell-based research experiments. John Suzuki has not done any clinical trial that suggests any kind of results or benefits related to human health. No human health-related benefits have been scientifically validated, and John Suzuki does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits.
John Suzuki is a natural-born healer who has the ability to harness and transmit Life Force energy. This energy has the potential to raise people's consciousness and transform their lives so they can function at their optimal potential.
John's Life Force energy healing ability / Biofield energy healing ability / prayer to God / ability to harness God's Grace / Divine energy blessing has been tested and validated via preclinical cell-based and mouse-model experiments, which have been published in international peer-reviewed science publications.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that John Suzuki has not done any clinical trial that suggests any kind of results or benefits related to human health. No human health-related benefits have been scientifically validated, and John Suzuki does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits.

John is on a mission to champion the science behind Life Force energy, which he believes will lead to a new era of unprecedented wellness around the world. In addition, he believes that the application of this new science to other allied disciplines and areas of research is far reaching and will ultimately transform the way we view an individual's quality of life and happiness.

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